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In its fifth year, the World Retail Congress Leadership Programme is our private track designed and reserved solely for CEOs and VIPs. These interactive sessions away from the main event provide an exclusive opportunity to connect with similar, like-minded leaders in an intimate environment. All sessions are invitation-only and off-the-record in order to encourage debate and knowledge sharing.

14 May 2022 00:00:00


Do you have the right business model for the High Velocity Retail World?

The World Retail Congress will publish the findings of an important study into how retailers can win in today's High Velocity Retail world. Bringing together extensive research and in-depth interviews with retailers from all sectors, the report sets out the new rules for success. This special Leadership Programme session brings together the report's authors with retail experts and retailers to lead an interactive discussion with CEOs, focusing on the practical things businesses must do to succeed.

Terry von Bibra, General Manager Europe, Alibaba

Tommy Kelly, Founder & CEO, Eshop World

Prof Mark Cohen, Director of Retail Studies; Adjunct Professor of Business, Columbia University


In conversation with

Martin Wolf, CBE, Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times

15 May 2022 00:00:00


Beyond different: Understanding the strategies needed to navigate China as a retailer

Whether we look at discount shopping, social commerce or mobile payments, Chinese consumers operate at the very forefront of retail behaviour. Currently ranked first worldwide in overseas travel spending, China has a growing population with increasing disposable income. However, they tend to use native digital apps in Mandarin and are subject to the ‘Great Firewall’ (no Google) even when abroad. This session dives into real-life examples of how brand information is organised in the ecosystem, why you need a different map to navigate in China, and how brands interact with Chinese consumers at home and abroad. In the fireside chat session, hear first-hand how adidas is taking a China-for-China approach to succeed in this market. 

Amory Kelie, Global Director, Traffic Growth, adidas

Cindy Wei, Head of China, Yext

Vivien Cheung, Director, Greater China, Yext

Moderator: Jon Buss, Managing Director, Yext


The psychology of “clicksuasion” – creating loyal, engaged customers

Building on his day one keynote, Michael Barbera goes more in-depth on the hows and whys behind consumer perception and message framing. This high-level workshop will teach you how to establish persuasive messages within your strategies that target the consumer’s cognitive decision-making process.

Michael Barbera, Chief Behavioural Officer, Clicksuasion Labs


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